Select an advertisement you would like to evaluate from a commercial print magazine. You can purchase the magazine, use one
you already have (if it is recent) or use one from the library. (Ask the reference librarian for help locating magazines.)
First establish the demographic of the magazine within which you found your ad using specific evidence, such as articles,
photographs, authors' credentials, etc. Summarize the ad (briefly describe). Then evaluate the ad--make a judgment about it.
Do you like it or dislike it? Do you think it is effective? Break the ad down, and take a closer look at it, giving reasons
and support for your judgment. How is your ad trying to sell its product to its readers? Ads often, for example, appeal to
the reader's emotions (i.e. fears, desires, sexuality, etc.). What ideas or issues does this ad avoid? Finally, consider readers'
objections and alternative judgments and respond to these. Your essay should be at least 750 words (no more than 1250) in
M.L.A. format (see p. 650), and the ad or a copy of the ad should be included with your essay