Directed Learning Activity #1: Evaluating an Advertisement (Extra Credit)
Instructions: Take the magazine in which you found your chosen ad, your assignment and this sheet to a writing center
tutor. Respond to the following questions. For credit, this page must be stamped by the writing center.
1. Inform the tutor who you think the target demographic of your magazine is (including income, education, ethnicity,
gender, etc.) based on the advertisements and articles within the magazine. Record the tutor's response below:
2. Tell the tutor whether you think the ad effectively targets its demographic and why/why not.
3. Using evidence from the ad, discuss with the tutor whether or not the ad directly or indirectly make any of the following
appeals (based on Consuming Passions by Ellen Mohr Catalano and Nina Sonenberg):
If you use this product, you will:
1. Join a wonderful group of people.
2. Feel appreciated.
3. Be rewarded.
4. Be held in high esteem by others.
5. Have more love or sexual gratification in your life.
6. Enjoy the adventure or escape you want.
7. Be more like famous or wealthy people.
8. Be associated with success, humor, tradition or modernity.
9. Find deep satisfaction.
And if you do not use this product you will...
10. Face social isolation or career failure.
11. Face failing health or death.