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Essay #4


Write a 4-7 page research-based essay speculating about the possible causes of the high rate of gun violence in the United States. In Bowling for Columbine, many possible causes are explored: gun legislation, drugs, poverty, our culture of fear, our history of violence, racism, etc. Now it's your turn to speculate. Why is the gun violence rate so disproportionately high in our country compared to others? Who or what is to blame? Video games? The N.R.A.? Lawmakers? Marilyn Manson? Parents? Educators? Etc.?

Your first task is to present gun violence as a phenomenon in our culture, providing an overview of it. Next, propose possible causes. Sequence your causes logically, and support or argue for the causes so that your readers will buy it. You should use research, observations and examples from the film to support your claims.

This is a research essay, so you must have at least 3 sources (no websites, though you may use electronic databases) to support your claims. The essay should, as always, be in M.L.A. format, and you must document and cite your sources. (We will discuss further in class.)

Your rough draft is due on November 6.

Your final draft, along with your rough draft, research work, and peer responses are due on November 13.

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