Malcolm X Reading
Study Questions
1. What led Malcolm X to improve his vocabulary?
2. How did reading affect his outlook on life?
3. What were his emotional responses after he copied his first page of the dictionary?
4. Malcolm starts many of his paragraphs with the first-person pronoun "I." What effect does this have on the
essay, and what does it suggest about the results of education?
5. Malcolm concludes paragraph 11 by writing "In fact, up to then, I had never been so truly free in my life, "
referring to his ability to read. How does this concluding statement sum up the value of a homemade, personally tailored education
as opposed to the rigid learning methods often used in schools?
6. What transitions lead the reader from one step in his educational process to the next?
7. What phrases does he use to keep his writing conversational? Which phrases does he use to suggest he is educated? What
is the effect of balancing these two styles? What does it suggest about the author's personality?